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BTS 'Map of the Soul: 7' Album Review : Diverse Music and Personal Reflections



In the vibrant world of K-pop, there's one name that has consistently pushed boundaries, stirred emotions, and set records ablaze: BTS. In 2020, these global sensations treated the world to a musical journey like no other with their album, "Map of the Soul: 7. This album was more than just music; it was an exploration of the human soul, a mirror reflecting the seven artists that make up BTS.

"Map of the Soul: 7" arrived on February 21, 2020, not just as an album release but as an event that marked a significant juncture in BTS's incredible journey. It takes a look back at BTS's first seven years together as a team. Comprising seven talented members—RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook—BTS has become a symbol of artistic growth, empowerment, and global unity.

This album is a rich tapestry of diverse musical styles, intricate storytelling, and deeply personal reflections. It invites listeners on a soul-searching journey guided by BTS's lyrical and musical prowess. Honestly, it hit me right in the feels!

Throughout this review, we'll take you song by song and dive into the feelings that BTS poured into this masterpiece. So, let's go together on a heart-tugging odyssey with "Map of the Soul: 7". This album is more than music - it's a piece of their souls, and it's a piece of ours too.

 "Map of the Soul: 7" Track list

These tracks will take you on an emotional journey that leaves you with tears and smiles, connecting BTS and ARMY on a profound level.

Here is the complete tracklist of "Map of the Soul: 7".

1. Intro : Persona 
2. Boy With Luv (Feat. Halsey)
3. Make It Right
4. Jamais Vu 
5. Dionysus 
6. Interlude : Shadow
7. Black Swan
8. Filter
9. My Time 
10. Louder than bombs 
11. ON 
12. UGH! 
13. 00:00 (Zero O’Clock) 
14. Inner Child 
15. Friends
16. Moon 
17. Respect 
18. We are Bulletproof : the Eternal 
19. Outro : Ego 

 1. Intro : Persona 

"Intro: Persona" by BTS is like the starting point of their album "Map of the Soul: 7." As you hit play, RM's confident vocals usher you into a world of self-discovery. The beat is super catchy, and RM's lyrics feel like a motivational chat, telling you to be yourself. It's like your cool older friend giving you advice.

What's unique here is RM's tone; it's like he's having a heart-to-heart with you, and it's seriously captivating. The song's ups and downs keep you locked in.

In a nutshell, "Intro: Persona" isn't just an intro; it's your initiation into BTS's journey of self-discovery. It's empowering, leaving you wanting more. I'd give it a solid 8 out of 10.

2. Boy With Luv (Feat. Halsey)

"Boy With Luv (Feat. Halsey)" by BTS is like that instant happy pill you've been searching for. Seriously, as soon as the beat drops, you'll find yourself dancing, even if you're just waiting for the bus. It's addictive!

What's even cooler is how BTS and Halsey's voices join forces. It's like a musical Avengers team-up, but with smoother dance moves. Each of them brings their A-game, and the result is pure sonic fireworks. Lyrically, it's all about that can't-stop-smiling kind of love where you feel like you're in a rom-com montage. It's like a shot of pure joy.

In my humble opinion, "Boy With Luv (Feat. Halsey)" easily snags a 9 out of 10. It's a timeless jam that can turn even the gloomiest day into a dance party.

3. Make It Right

"Make It Right" by BTS, featuring Lauv, is an emotionally resonant song from their "Map of the Soul: 7" album. It combines heartfelt lyrics and a soothing melody to create a warm musical embrace. 

The track explores the theme of mending a relationship after making mistakes, something many can relate to. The music video beautifully complements this message. In my view, it's a solid 9 out of 10, reminding us of the power of making amends.

4. Jamais Vu 

"Jamais Vu" by BTS is a song that strikes a deep chord. It's part of their "Map of the Soul: 7" album, and let me tell you, it's a gem.

What makes "Jamais Vu" stand out is its emotional depth. The moment you hit play, you're greeted by these heartfelt vocals that tug at your heartstrings.

The lyrics dive into the feeling of never vu, which is like the opposite of déjà vu. It's that sensation of not recognising something familiar. The song explores the struggle of dealing with moments that feel strangely new, even when they shouldn't. "Jamais Vu" deserves a solid 7 out of 10. 

5. Dionysus 

"Dionysus" by BTS is a fiery powerhouse. It's a rock-infused anthem from their "Map of the Soul: Persona" album that packs a punch. The energy is off the charts, making you want to jump up and rock out.

What's unique is its lyrical depth. "Dionysus" celebrates the artist's journey and the intoxicating allure of creativity. When BTS performs it live, it's electrifying. In my book, it's a solid 9 out of 10, igniting the fire within

6. Interlude : Shadow

"Interlude: Shadow" by BTS is a musical journey through the shadows of one's own existence. As part of their "Map of the Soul: 7" album, it's a thought-provoking interlude that leaves a profound impact.

This track is like a bridge in the album's storyline, pausing to reflect on the shadows we all carry within. It's as if it's whispering to your soul, urging you to confront your own shadows.

It is like a mirror, forcing you to look at yourself. It's a solid 8 out of 10. 

7. Black Swan

"Black Swan" by BTS is like a musical rollercoaster. From the start, you'll hear a hauntingly beautiful sound, resembling a siren's call, that will pull you into the deep, dark waters of this song.

Lyrically, it's all about the fear of losing your artistic mojo. You know, that feeling when you're a creative genius one day and a potato the next? BTS gets it. The music video has a whole mood. It's like watching a bunch of artists have an existential crisis, but make it fashionable.

I'd give it a solid 8 out of 10. It's like therapy for your creative soul, with a killer beat.

8. Filter

"Filter" by BTS is a musical transformation. 

This song, part of their "Map of the Soul: 7" album, showcases Jimin's smooth vocals and explores themes of duality and identity. It's a catchy tune that makes you want to sway along, and Jimin's live performances take it to another level. It's a solid 9 out of 10, reminding us of our unique selves.

9. My Time 

BTS's "My Time" is a personal trip told in Jungkook's voice. This song, which is a part of their "Map of the Soul: 7" album, is an examination of youth and growing up in the public eye.

The vocals of Jungkook stand out right away. It seems as though he is baring his soul by discussing the difficulties of fame and the need for a regular existence. Every phrase has emotion, and the tune is entrancingly lovely.

"My Time" receives a 9 out of 10 in my opinion. It is a strong, intimate song that demonstrates the breadth of BTS's and Jungkook's artistic abilities.

10. Louder than bombs 

"Louder than Bombs" by BTS is an emotional powerhouse. It's part of their "Map of the Soul: 7" album and delves into inner struggles and hidden turmoil.

From the start, you're pulled in by the haunting melody and emotive vocals. BTS's harmonies create an immersive experience. By understanding the lyrics, you will dive deep into the human psyche, reflecting inner battles and fears.

In my opinion, "Louder than Bombs" is a solid 10 out of 10. It's a track that leaves a lasting impact, showcasing BTS's emotional depth and artistry.

11. ON

"Louder than Bombs" by BTS is an emotional powerhouse. It's part of their "Map of the Soul: 7" album and delves into inner struggles and hidden turmoil.

From the start, you're pulled in by the haunting melody and emotive vocals. BTS's harmonies create an immersive experience. By understanding the lyrics, you will dive deep into the human psyche, reflecting inner battles and fears.

In my opinion, "Louder than Bombs" is a solid 9 out of 10. It's a track that leaves a lasting impact, showcasing BTS's emotional depth and artistry.  

12. UGH!

"UGH!" by BTS is a sonic punch to the gut. Featured in their "Map of the Soul: 7" album, this track is a bold, unapologetic response to the critics and haters.

From the very beginning, you're hit with this intense energy. The rap verses, delivered with precision and fire by RM, Suga, and J-Hope, are nothing short of impressive. They go hard, addressing the negativity and hate they've faced throughout their careers.

Lyrically, "UGH!" is a powerhouse, and the music video is equally fierce. It's a visual feast filled with striking imagery and choreography that matches the intensity of the song.

"UGH!" deserves a solid 9 out of 10. It's a track that empowers and reminds us all that sometimes you just need to stand up and say, "Enough is enough."

13. 00:00 (Zero O’Clock)

BTS's song "00:00 (Zero O'Clock)" is a soothing musical embrace. It's from their "Map of the Soul: 7" album, and let me tell you, it's like a warm hug for your soul. You're met by calming sounds and the comforting vocals of BTS right away. 

The words of this song act as a gentle reminder that it's common to occasionally feel hopeless and broken. We all go through dark periods, yet every new day brings the promise of a fresh start. It receives a strong 8 out of 10. It serves as a reminder that even in the most bleak circumstances, there is light.

14. Inner Child

BTS's "Inner Child" is an endearing trip. It is from their "Map of the Soul: 7" album, and it is an emotional track.

You are surrounded by mellow vocals and sweet music from the very beginning. It whispers to your spirit like a calming lullaby. The song's lyrics are an appeal to everyone's inner child. No matter how old we get, it serves as a reminder to hang onto the innocence and dreams of our childhood.

The song "Inner Child" is cheerful and contemplative at the same time. It receives a strong 9 out of 10. It serves as a musical hug for your inner self and a reminder to constantly treasure your inner sense of wonder

15. Friends

BTS's song "Friends" is like a big bear hug. It's a track from their "Map of the Soul: 7" album and it makes you want to catch up with old friends.

You are met by upbeat songs and voices that put a grin on your face right away. It's like seeing old friends again after a long period.

The song's lyrics are a beautiful dedication to friendship, remembering simpler times. It serves as a reminder of the relationships that endure forever.

It’s a strong 8 out of 10. 


16. Moon

"Moon" by BTS is a heartfelt tribute that tugs at your heartstrings. This song, part of their "Map of the Soul: 7" album, is a sweet serenade to one of the group's biggest supporters, their fans.

Right from the start, you're met with gentle melodies and vocals that feel like a warm embrace. It's like a love letter in song form. Lyrically, it's all about the deep connection between BTS and their fans, ARMY.

In a nutshell, "Moon" is a touching and intimate track that showcases the special bond between BTS and their fans. I'd rate it a heartfelt 8 out of 10. It's a musical hug for ARMY.


17. Respect

"Respect" by BTS is a dynamic and playful track that adds a unique flavour to their "Map of the Soul: 7" album.

From the moment it starts, you're hit with a groovy beat and a lively rap performance by RM and Suga. It's a playful and witty exchange of verses that showcases their chemistry.

Lyrically, "Respect" delves into themes of respect and understanding in relationships, adding a layer of depth to the song.

"Respect" is a catchy song and a fun ride. I'd give it a solid 7 out of 10.

18. We are Bulletproof : the Eternal

BTS's heartfelt ballad "We are Bulletproof: The Eternal" is their way of thanking their fans for their steadfast support throughout their career. The choir-like harmonies add an additional element of passion to this strong song that beautifully captures their journey. It receives an 8 out of 10.

19. Outro : Ego 

"Outro: Ego" by BTS is a feel-good track that exudes positivity and self-confidence. It's like a musical pep talk that encourages you to embrace your true self and shine. The catchy beat and uplifting lyrics make it a perfect closer for the "Map of the Soul: 7" album. I'd rate it 9 out of 10.


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