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SEVENTEEN's Explosive Comeback: A Review of 'FML' Album


Well, well, well, it seems SEVENTEEN is out here breaking records and taking names with their Seventeen FML 10th mini-album, which stands for "For My Life”. These men are the K-pop equivalent of superheroes, selling over 3 million albums in a single day, which is astounding. There is a new record-breaker in town, besides Adele and BTS!

You know, I've been riding the Seventeen fan train for a good while now, and these guys never cease to amaze me. So, when their album FML dropped, I was like, "Yes, please!” It was like an invitation to go on with SEVENTEEN on their artistic and personal journeys, where they encounter love, sorrow, and self-discovery. It has six tracks in total and they also dropped a music video for the song "Super" at the same time. 

If i have to talk about my favourite song, then i’d say "Fire" struck me in the face (in a good manner) when I first listened to the album. It was like a shot of pure energy straight to the veins. These guys aren't playing around; they're singing about chasing dreams, and they mean business.

Moreover, there are thirteen members in this group! There's a leader named S.Coups, and then there's Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi, DK, Mingyu, The8, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino. And to keep things interesting, they're split into three groups based on what they do best: some are the vocalists, some are the dancers and performers, and others are all about hip-hop. So, it's like a musical dream team!

So, if you're a fan of SEVENTEEN or just a lover of K-pop in general, "FML" is a must-listen. These guys have not only grown as artists but also as record-breakers. 


Here is the tracklist for FML by Seventeen:

  • F*ck My Life
  • Super
  • Fire
  • I Don't Understand But I Luv U
  • Dust
  • April Shower

1.  F*ck My Life

"F*ck My Life" is SEVENTEEN's electrifying title track from their 10th mini-album, released on August 18, 2023. This hip-hop powerhouse delivers an unforgettable message of unwavering determination and resilience.

The song opens with a bold chant of "F*ck my life," setting the stage for a narrative about overcoming life's hurdles. SEVENTEEN uses metaphors like a "ship lost at sea" to symbolise uncertainty, but the ship never stops moving forward.

The chorus is catchy and uplifting, delivering a powerful message: keep chasing your dreams, no matter the obstacles. With impactful lyrics like "I'm tired of being a failure," this anthem resonates deeply. Critics and fans have praised its compelling message and memorable melody.

Honestly, "F*ck My Life" reminds us to never give up on our dreams. It's a must-listen if you’re seeking motivation.

I’d rate it 9/10.

2. Super

"Super" is SEVENTEEN's second lead single from their 10th mini-album. This funky R&B track grooves its way into your heart with an irresistible beat.

Starting with a silky guitar riff, the song's vibes are pure joy and celebration of love. Its smooth, soulful vocals carry a message of the sheer happiness that love brings. The chorus is an earworm, guaranteed to play in your head long after you've listened. The song's essence is crystal clear: love is a mighty force that makes life feel amazing.

"Super" is the musical equivalent of a smile. It's perfect when you're riding high on love and happiness. I love the catchy melody and positive vibe of this song. Plus, it soared to number two on Korean charts, marking its commercial success.

As an interesting note, the song also tips its hat to the legendary Monkey King from "Journey To The West." The song's title translates to "Son Goku" in Korean, paying tribute to this iconic character known for strength and courage. "Super" draws inspiration from the Monkey King's journey toward self-improvement, reminding us to chase our dreams relentlessly, no matter how challenging they seem.

In a world where love and aspirations collide, "Super" delivers a groove that resonates with us, reminding us to keep pushing for their dreams and cherish the magic of love.

I’d rate it 8/10.

3.  Fire

"Fire" blazes as the lead single from SEVENTEEN's 10th mini-album, "FML". This track packs a punch with its potent hip-hop vibes and infectious melody. You can immediately recognise the song due to its strong rap emphasis. The lyrics nearly have a diss track feel to them, telling sceptics that SEVENTEEN still enjoys tremendous success:

I noticed how the song has an intense beat, and it showcases the group's unwavering determination right from the start. Their vocals radiate strength and confidence, echoing a resounding message: never surrender your dreams. It's an empowering anthem for anyone grappling with life's challenges.

The chorus is both catchy and unforgettable, practically tattooing itself in your mind after a single listen. Its message is crystal clear: with a fiery spirit, you can conquer anything. "Fire" isn't just a song; it's a blazing reminder that even in tough times, you should never let go of your dreams. It's a musical lifeline for those feeling lost or uncertain about the path ahead.

Additionally, the title, "Fire," symbolises the group's passion and resolve. Fire signifies their unwavering commitment to success, an eternal flame that refuses to be extinguished. The lyrics are a cascade of positive affirmations, repeating phrases like "I got the fire" and "I'm gonna make my dreams come true." These words serve as a constant reminder of their goals and their capacity to achieve them.

In sum, "Fire" is an electrifying anthem that will kindle your inner fire to chase your dreams. If you're grappling with doubts or uncertainties about the future, this song is your rallying cry.

I’d rate it 10/10.

4.  I Don't Understand But I Luv U

"I Don't Understand But I Luv U" emerges as the fourth track from SEVENTEEN's 10th mini-album, "FML". This song oozes romantic R&B vibes, celebrating love's ability to bridge language barriers.

I loved how the song immediately sets a tone of romance and mellowness. I mean, the vocals are velvety and soulful, carrying lyrics that emphasise love's capacity to transcend linguistic differences. It's a love letter to the universal language of the heart. The chorus, catchy and unforgettable, embeds itself in your mind with a single listen. It tells us how love is an indomitable force, and is capable of overcoming any obstacle.

"I Don't Understand But I Luv U" is a must-add to the playlist for anyone who believes in love's universal magic. It's a harmonious and heartwarming composition that will linger in your memory long after you've pressed play.

Also, the song's title is a clever wordplay. In Korean, "sarang" means both "love" and "to understand." The song cleverly highlights how love can help us comprehend one another even when we don't share the same language. All in all, "I Don't Understand But I Luv U" is an exquisite and heartwarming melody that extols love's extraordinary power. 

I’d rate it 7/10.

5.  Dust

"Dust" emerges as the fifth track from SEVENTEEN's 10th mini-album, "FML”. This synth-pop ballad delves into the agony of letting go of a cherished person, earning accolades for its poignant lyrics and enchanting melody.

The song's gentle piano melody sets a melancholic tone, with soft, emotive vocals expressing the heartache of losing someone dear. "Dust" metaphorically equates this sorrow to the gradual accumulation of dust in one's heart.  Plus, its chorus is both infectious and unforgettable, embeds itself in your consciousness with ease. The song's poignant message is crystal clear: parting ways with a loved one is an excruciating journey, but it's an inevitable step towards healing.

I find "Dust" a hauntingly beautiful and emotionally charged composition, capturing the essence of loss. It's a musical gem that every SEVENTEEN admirer and K-pop aficionado should have on their playlist. I mean, it has a captivating melody and heartrending lyrics. Its chart success further solidifies its impact, securing the third position on Korean charts.

I’d rate it 8/10.

6.  April Shower

"April Shower" by Seventeen is a soothing acoustic gem. It's all about finding solace during tough times. With its gentle guitar melody and soft vocals, it's like a musical hug for the soul.

The chorus is catchy and easy to hum along to, and the song's message is simple: even in the darkest moments, hope shines through. Critics love it, and it climbed to number four on the Korean charts.

"April Shower" uses metaphors like rain and blooming flowers to illustrate healing. The lyrics are full of vivid imagery, comparing rain to tears and flowers, creating a sense of beauty and hope.

In a nutshell, "April Shower" is a beautiful and comforting song perfect for relaxation and reflection. 

I’d rate it 9/10.

In the end, listening to music yourself is the best method to determine which ones you enjoy. Longtime fans of the boys will be pleased with the album, and those who are new with them will find it to be a great introduction. The best elements of the K-pop genre are all present in FML. Happy listening!

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