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Unveiling the Mystery: Does BTS Speak English?


Today, we're going to step right into the magical land of BTS and their amusing trysts with the English language! The Bangtan Boys, popularly known as BTS, are a charismatic South Korean boy band that debuted in 2013 under Big Hit Entertainment (now HYBE Corporation) and has since become a global sensation.

It's only natural to ask if they sing in English, speak English fluently, or if they possess a secret language-chameleon superpower, given their immense popularity around the world. Well, you guys need to hold on tight as we go on a wild ride unravelling the language myth surrounding BTS!

BTS: A Global Phenomenon

Before we delve into their language prowess, let's take a moment to appreciate the incredible journey of BTS. The group consists of seven members: RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook.

From their humble beginnings in South Korea, BTS didn't just conquer the charts; they obliterated them! You wouldn't believe that they accomplished such astounding milestones! They have broken records, repeatedly taken the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100, and received honourable mentions. But wait, there is more! Get ready for the Army, the fandom that rules them all!

These devoted fans are more than just supporters; they're a global community that transcends borders, languages, and anything else you can think of. The love and dedication the ARMY pours into BTS are simply out of this world. From their humble beginnings in South Korea to their meteoric rise as a global phenomenon, these boys have shown us that dreams really do come true.

The English Proficiency of BTS:

Now, let's address the burning question: does BTS speak English? While the members primarily communicate in Korean, they have made remarkable efforts to connect with international fans by learning and utilising the English language.

RM, the group's leader, has showcased impressive English-speaking skills. Other members of BTS have also demonstrated their English-speaking abilities. Although they may not be fully fluent, they have worked hard to communicate effectively in English. You might have come across instances where Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook responded in English during international appearances, leaving fans in awe of their progress.

RM and His English Journey:

RM began learning English at a young age through self-study and dedication and has developed a remarkable command of the English language. He has repeatedly stated on a variety of platforms that viewing the hit television series F.R.I.E.N.D.S. helped him become fluent in English. The rapper is fluent in several languages, can write transcendent lyrics that feature wordplay in both English and Korean, and can deliver thought-provoking speeches at international platforms like the UN General Assembly or even the White House. He also has an IQ of 148, placing him in the one percent of Koreans with that high of a number on the IQ scale. 

RM's proficiency level is widely recognised, as is his ability to fluently communicate in English during interviews, press conferences, and fan interactions. He showcases an impressive vocabulary, natural pronunciation, and a deep understanding of the language's nuances. RM's exceptional English skills have played a significant role in BTS's global success, as he effectively communicates their messages to international fans and engages with diverse audiences worldwide. 

Jin and His English Journey:

Let's shine the spotlight on Jin, the charismatic member of BTS, and his incredible English journey. We all know how Kim Seokjin has been known to make us fans swoon with his melodious voice and handsome looks. And let’s not forget his dad jokes and windshield wiper laugh!  

Jin participated in an exchange programme while still in school and went to Australia to study English. He has shown remarkable progress over the years, when it comes to English. While he may have started with limited English skills, he has made impressive efforts to improve and communicate with international fans. Though he may not be completely fluent, Jin's willingness to bridge the language gap and connect with fans in English is both admirable and heartwarming. His dedication adds a special touch to BTS's global appeal and showcases his genuine desire to engage with ARMYs on a deeper level.

Suga and His English Journey:

Suga, the talented rapper and producer of BTS, has displayed his dedication to language learning throughout his career. His real name is Min Yoongi, and he primarily communicates in Korean, Suga has made significant efforts to improve his English skills. Even though Suga doesn't use English as frequently as some of the other BTS members do, he still understands it. He frequently dazzled fans—and occasionally even his own members—with a secret talent. 

One of the most memorable instances occurred when RM discussed how "embarrassed" his members felt when he had to leave them alone so they could interact with English-speaking celebrities. Suga corrected RM when he claimed that none of the members could speak English by telling the interviewer how much he loved viewing her videos.

J-Hope and His English Journey:

Let's turn our attention to J-Hope, the vibrant and energetic member of BTS. J-Hope, whose real name is Jung Hoseok, has shown great enthusiasm and effort in learning the English language. While primarily communicating in Korean, J-Hope has made impressive strides in his English-speaking abilities. His determination to improve and connect with fans worldwide is truly admirable. I mean, his Instagram captions are flooded with English phrases!

Though he may not be fully fluent, his infectious personality shines through as he confidently engages in English conversations. After all, he is known as the sunshine of BTS and loves Saying, "I'm Your Hope. I'm Your Angel. I'm J-Hope!" His ongoing English journey adds a dynamic flair to the group and further strengthens their international appeal. 

Jimin and His English Journey:

Jimin, the charming and charismatic member of BTS, has shown remarkable progress in his English-speaking abilities over the years. While he primarily communicates in Korean, Jimin has made dedicated efforts to improve his English skills. The BTS boys were also asked in an interview on how they study English. Jimin provided the finest response while others mentioned that they were enrolled in classes. "Netflix," he said. Dude cannot be more relatable. 

Jimin also  admitted that he had to memorise English for his latest performance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in the United States. "Despite my best efforts, I don't improve at it".

V and His English Journey:

V, also known as Kim Taehyung, has captivated fans not only with his stunning visuals and outstanding vocals but also with his language skills. While V primarily communicates in Korean, he has showcased his proficiency in English on various occasions. Though he may not be fully fluent, his dedication and efforts to learn and communicate in English have not gone unnoticed. V's passion for connecting with international fans and his continuous improvement in English make him an endearing member of BTS. He adds a unique charm to the group, breaking language barriers and forging connections with fans all around the world.

Who else remembers this funny moment?

V: I’m God!

V had ARMY rolling over with laughter when he replied to RM’s How are you doing with "I’m God" instead of "I’m good"

Jungkook and His English Journey:

Let's focus on Jungkook and his relationship with the English language. Known as the "golden maknae" due to his exceptional talent and versatility, Jungkook has made strides in learning English, showcasing his growth over the years. While he may not be completely fluent, Jungkook's determination to communicate with fans on a global scale is commendable. Whether it's his heartfelt English tweets or his attempts to respond in English during interviews, he has continuously worked on improving his language skills, leaving an endearing impact on fans around the world.

It is said that Jungkook is presently attending the Siwon English school and improving his vocabulary and pronunciation. He's progressing significantly towards gaining fluency and eventually sounding like a native English speaker.

Remember this iconic scene where Jungkook was finding it difficult to recall names!

I mean we allcan  identify with Jungkook when he said, "I know her name, but I don't know her face," in response to a question about a favourite star. He replied, "I know the movie, but I don't know the movie name," when the interviewer asked him what the title of the film was.

BTS and the Fusion of Languages

The majority of BTS's discography is in Korean, which helps them more honestly portray their feelings and tales through their music. However, the group aspires to establish a connection with them through their music, as they are aware of how important their global fanbase is.

While their songs are primarily in Korean, BTS has released tracks that incorporate English lyrics, exemplifying their dedication to breaking down language barriers. Songs like "Dope," "Mic Drop," "Boy with Luv," and their smash hit "Butter" feature English verses, allowing fans worldwide to groove along and understand the messages behind the music.

The dedication and efforts of BTS in learning English and embracing a bilingual approach reflect their commitment to inclusivity and their desire to connect with fans worldwide. So, the answer to the question "does BTS speak English?" is a resounding yes! While their language journey continues, their music remains a universal language that unites people from different cultures, backgrounds, and languages.

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