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K-Pop Idols

Reflections on the idol group Stray Kids, which I've recently become obsessed with.


After the end of Winner's military hiatus, I naturally drifted away from watching volleyball and lost interest in idols for about three years. Most idols now are younger than me, and I deluded myself into thinking I prefer older idols, haha! However, when I saw the youngest member, I.N, of Stray Kids, I instantly fell in love at first sight... He's such a cute little fox... I feel so happy as a fan nunna, and I'm completely smitten with I.N. Through him, I naturally became an all-in fan of Stray Kids and started watching their videos, becoming a Stay in just one day. These days, I spend all day watching Stray Kids' videos, and I'm currently listening to their playlist. Haha, I've always had a consistent preference for fox-like idols. Kang Seungyoon was my bias when I got into Winner, and even my friends with similar tastes in pine tree-like idols approved of my consistent fox-like preferences. I was aware of the group Stray Kids since their debut survival show, but I didn't have much interest in the individual members. However, I knew more about them than non-fans, so that's something. But I didn't really know about I.N until I occasionally heard a boy group song in a store, and Stray Kids caught my attention. So, I did some searching, and I discovered that I.N is my ultimate bias and my ideal idol in every way possible. Immediately, I subscribed to his Bubble chat. Haha, I didn't think Bubble would suit my taste in content, but whenever I receive a message from I.N, it instantly brightens my mood. He even sends photos on Bubble? That day, I was beyond happy! Being handsome is the best; I never get tired of it. I'll probably continue my subscription next month too, as it brings me so much joy!


Here's a handsome photo of the charismatic younger idol I.N. "Take it." He's a true man from Busan.


This photo of my ultimate bias is just I.N himself. I can't tell who's the fox and who's I.N, they're both so cute... I really want a fox doll like him. It's Wednesday or the first day of the lunar month, and I.N told me he's a "Chobok" because he eats chicken breast. He's such a diligent idol who takes care of himself. Yang Jeongin, you're so cool. I hope you continue being an idol for a long, long time. Even though I became a fan late, there will be many more days to come where I can see you.



I.N said that a 4-year age difference is considered as friends, and since I have a 3-year age difference, we can comfortably be friends, right? Winner also debuted through a survival show, but I couldn't bear to watch "WIN" because it would hurt my heart. However, this time, I'm curious about Baby Bread's era, so I'm currently watching their debut survival show on Tving. The members of Stray Kids during that time were really just kids. Thank you for growing up well, thank you for debuting. Especially Chan, thank you so, so much for enduring 7 years as a trainee. Anyway, this has been my ramblings about Stray Kids so far. When I came to my senses, I realized that the 2-hour and 40-minute Stray Kids Flea Market is almost over. I only bought two albums from this comeback, keeping it light.


I.N's digipack, hehe.


Also, there were photocards and postcards of Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin. I was slightly disappointed that my bias, I.N, wasn't there, but they all looked so handsome. I cherished each one and saved them in my photocard album. Alright then, I'm off to watch Stray Kids' stage videos. Bye for now!


Every day while working, my inner thoughts keep popping out. I can hear the voice of my heart.

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